Puppy Transportation Options

Logistics & Transport

Currently, due to COVID-19, we are not allowing outside people into our home. Depending on weather, we may do outside pick-ups in our fenced in yard, of course weather permitting.

We do offer a few transportation options for your new puppy to get to you.

Option 1: Delivery via Car. (Cost varies based on distance, Email for an estimate.)

Delivery means that I- Jeannie- pack up everything necessary into my car and drive to deliver your puppy to you. I offer this so that I can help your puppy to acclimate to you and it’s new home while going over paperwork and completing the necessary forms and paperwork, including online completion of the AKC Registration for your new puppy.

If you select the ground transport option on your application, it will be me bringing your puppy to you. We do NOT hire an outside transport company to drive our puppies.


Option 2: Delivery via Airplane. (Cost varies based on flights and airline requirements. Email for an estimate.)

This option means that either Jared or I fly with your puppy in-cabin with us to the nearest airport that we can fly to from CLE with no more than 1 transfer or layover.

By selecting this option, the applicant agrees to meet us at the airport to complete paperwork, online completion of AKC registration, and pick-up the puppy from us.


Option 3: Local Airport Pick-up. (Either Cleveland Hopkins or Akron-Canton. This option has no additional fee that you would pay to us.)

This option means that the applicant flies into one of the above airports, at their own expense, and will fly home with their new puppy in-cabin with them. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO WE ALLOW OUR PUPPIES TO BE FLOWN AS CARGO!!

We would meet you at the airport or, if staying overnight, your hotel with your puppy and complete necessary paperwork, including the online AKC registration. We would need to know at least 10 days in advance what airline you are flying on so that we can verify in-cabin rules and regulations and have any necessary forms/documents needed for your puppy to fly back with you.

Currently, these are the only three options that we offer. We will not meet you in a random public place to “hand-off a puppy.” Our puppies are family and by choosing to place one of our puppies in your home, you become family as well. Please know, it’s a puppy and not a television.